
How do Vegans Get Vitamin B12

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Samuel Anthony
Jun 20, 2023
Vegan b12 supplement pills arranged to display a plus symbol

Veganism is gaining momentum as more individuals opt for a plant-based approach to their diet and overall well-being. Within this dietary framework, it is crucial to ensure proper nutrient intake, including the essential vitamin B12. This article aims to shed light on the sources of vitamin B12 suitable for whole food, plant-based, or health-conscious vegans. By understanding where vegans can obtain this vital nutrient, individuals can maintain a balanced and thriving vegan lifestyle while safeguarding their long-term health.

Understanding Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is critical in various bodily functions, making it a crucial nutrient for overall health and vitality. This water-soluble vitamin is involved in energy production, nerve function, DNA synthesis, and the formation of red blood cells. While it is predominantly found in animal-based products, such as meat, fish, dairy, and eggs, obtaining sufficient vitamin B12 on a vegan diet can be challenging.

Vegans who follow a whole food, plant-based, or healthy vegan approach must pay particular attention to their vitamin B12 intake. Inadequate levels of vitamin B12 can lead to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, nerve damage, and anaemia. Therefore, vegans need to understand the available sources of vitamin B12 and ensure they meet their recommended daily intake.

To maintain optimal health, vegans should consider incorporating vitamin B12-fortified foods, nutritional yeast, algae and seaweed, and fermented foods into their diet. In cases where dietary sources may not provide sufficient amounts, vitamin B12 supplements are often ideal. By exploring these options, vegans can confidently meet their vitamin B12 requirements and thrive on their plant-based journey.

Natural Sources of Vitamin B12 for Vegans

Fortified Foods

One of the most accessible and reliable sources of vitamin B12 for vegans is fortified foods. Many plant-based alternatives, such as plant milk, breakfast cereals, and meat substitutes, are often fortified with vitamin B12. These fortified products provide the necessary nutrients, including vitamin B12, that may be lacking in a vegan diet. Vegans need to read food labels carefully to identify products fortified with vitamin B12 and ensure they are consuming adequate amounts.

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is a popular ingredient among vegans due to its cheesy flavour and versatility in various dishes. It is also an excellent source of vitamin B12, especially when fortified. You can sprinkle nutritional yeast over salads, pasta, and popcorn or incorporate it into sauces, dressings, and vegan cheese recipes. Vegans can enjoy a savoury boost of vitamin B12 by including nutritional yeast in their meals.

Algae and Seaweed

Certain types of algae and seaweed, such as nori and chlorella, may contain vitamin B12. However, it is important to note that the vitamin B12 content in these sources can vary significantly. Vegans who rely on algae and seaweed as their primary source of vitamin B12 should choose reputable brands and consult with a nutritionist to ensure they obtain sufficient amounts. It is worth mentioning that while these sources can contribute to vitamin B12 intake, they may not provide the full recommended daily allowance.

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods, such as tempeh, miso, and sauerkraut, have gained popularity for their probiotic benefits. While they are not significant sources of vitamin B12, some fermented foods may contain trace amounts due to bacterial synthesis. While these amounts may not meet the daily requirements for vegans, incorporating fermented foods into a balanced diet can contribute to overall vitamin B12 intake and support gut health.

Understanding the sources of vitamin B12 for vegans is vital for maintaining a balanced and healthy plant-based lifestyle. By incorporating fortified foods, nutritional yeast, algae and seaweed, and fermented foods into their diet, vegans can increase their vitamin B12 intake. However, it is important to note that these sources may not always provide adequate amounts, making vitamin B12 supplementation necessary. By combining various natural sources and incorporating supplements, vegans can ensure they meet their vitamin B12 requirements, supporting their overall well-being and thriving on a vegan journey.

Vitamin B12 Supplements

While incorporating natural food sources of vitamin B12 is beneficial, supplementation is often necessary for most vegans to ensure adequate intake of this essential nutrient. Vitamin B12 supplements provide a reliable and convenient way to meet daily requirements. Here are important considerations regarding vitamin B12 supplementation for vegans:

Types of Vitamin B12 Supplements:

  • Cyanocobalamin: Cyanocobalamin is a synthetic form of vitamin B12 commonly found in supplements. It is highly stable and has a long shelf life, making it widely available and cost-effective.
  • Methylcobalamin: Methylcobalamin is a naturally occurring vitamin B12 that the body can absorb more readily. Some may prefer this form due to its potential benefits in certain metabolic processes.

Dosage and Timing:

  • The appropriate dosage of vitamin B12 supplements can vary depending on individual needs, age, and overall health. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine your ideal dosage.
  • Vitamin B12 supplements are generally safe to take at any time of the day, with or without food. However, it is advisable to follow the specific instructions provided by the supplement manufacturer.

Absorption Factors:

  • Vitamin B12 absorption can be affected by various factors, such as age, gastrointestinal health, and certain medications. Vegans should be aware of potential absorption issues and discuss them with a healthcare professional if necessary.
  • Sublingual or chewable forms of vitamin B12 supplements can bypass potential absorption issues by allowing the vitamin to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in the mouth.

Combination Supplements:

  • Some multivitamin or multimineral supplements designed for vegans may also include vitamin B12. However, checking the dosage and form of vitamin B12 in these supplements is crucial to ensure they provide sufficient amounts for your needs.

Remember, while supplements are valuable for meeting vitamin B12 requirements, they should not be considered a substitute for a well-rounded, balanced diet. Supplementation is a complement to a varied plant-based diet and a proactive measure to ensure optimal nutrient intake.

Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian is highly recommended to determine the most suitable vitamin B12 supplement and dosage for your needs. With appropriate supplementation and a mindful approach, vegans can confidently meet their vitamin B12 requirements and maintain optimal health on their plant-based journey.


Maintaining adequate vitamin B12 levels is essential for vegans following a whole-food, plant-based, or healthy vegan diet. While natural food sources provide some vitamin B12, supplementation is often necessary to ensure optimal intake. Vitamin B12 supplements, such as cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin, are convenient and reliable for meeting daily requirements.

Vegans can confidently bridge the nutrient gap and support their overall health and well-being by choosing the right supplement and following appropriate dosage guidelines. Regular monitoring of vitamin B12 levels through blood tests is recommended to ensure effective supplementation.

However, it is important to remember that supplements should complement a balanced and nutrient-rich vegan diet. Incorporating fortified foods, nutritional yeast, algae and seaweed, and fermented foods can provide additional sources of vitamin B12. Consulting with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians with expertise in vegan nutrition can provide personalized guidance and support.

Embracing a plant-based lifestyle can be rewarding and sustainable. With proper attention to vitamin B12 intake, vegans can thrive in their dietary choices. By staying informed, making informed choices, and seeking professional guidance, vegans can ensure they are meeting their vitamin B12 needs while enjoying the many benefits of a vibrant and healthy plant-based journey.


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